Bonus 1: Chaos Theory Co-op

For all of our complaints, we did enjoy Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory.  While it failed to maximise its different elements into a creative challenge, its core gameplay is just as good as it was in the first title.  So when we remembered that an entire coherent Co-op campaign was released alongside the main game, it seemed like an excellent opportunity for us to suit up and demonstrate our brilliant stealth chops to one another.  We were hoping we would breeze through it in a few hours, particularly after we had complained so profusely about how easy the original game was.

Things didn’t go quite as we expected.

Grab a cup of hot chocolate and get comfy as we laugh and curse our way through the trials and tribulations of Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Co-op.

Direct Download Link

Also Available on:

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On this episode, we discuss:

  • The Co-op mode introduces a suite of special ‘partner’ moves that can only be executed in tandem.  Did these change our strategic approach to stealthing, or were they just elaborate keys?

  • How well does the level design facilitate a second player?  Were there substantial changes to the single player level design to reflect the additional set of goggles, lockpicks and guns?

  • What shenanigans can you get up to in Co-op to make your teammate mad?  Does a level of jankiness and confusion enhance the Co-op experience?

We answer these questions and many more on this special bonus episode of Retro Spectives!

Intro Music: KieLoBot - Tanzen K

Outro Music: Rockit Maxx - One point to another

What was your experience like playing the Co-op of this game?  Did you find the end of mission 4 as frustrating as we did?  What other Co-op games should we play?  Come let us know what you think on our community discord server!